BDR packs
BDR packs and offers
Buy BDR Packs and take advantage of all their offers. You will find all the most exclusive treatments of the firm, with great prices in Cosméticos24h. Discover the packs that the firm makes available to you. Remember that in your orders over €40, you can enjoy Free Shipping.
There is 1 product.
BDR Offers
Take advantage of all our offers throughout the year to give or treat yourself. Discover the best BDR prices during Black Friday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Cyber Monday or Sales . The time capsule at the best price thanks to our unbeatable offers. In addition, on our website you can find discounts every month. CHOOSE YOUR COSMETICS AT THE BEST PRICE!
Advance your Christmas and Kings shopping on our Black Friday , the best cosmetics at the best prices.
Get your gift for Valentine's Day right and take advantage of our promotions at BDR . You can call our advisers and let them help you choose the best gift to surprise your partner.
Put an end to blue Monday and brighten up the saddest Monday of the year with our BDR offers.