Me And Me: Cosmetics for maternity
From the moment the pregnancy begins until the baby's first two years, Me and Me cares about the care of your skin and the active ingredients that are used. During this stage it is crucial to know the ingredients of the cosmetics, since through the blood vessels it can be transmitted to our baby, both during pregnancy and during lactation. It is for this reason that known and suspected endocrine disruptors are left out of Me and Me formulas.
Harmful elements such as endocrine disruptors can affect present and future development . It is for this reason that they have created useful cosmetics during this period and that do not harm the health of the mother and her baby. Take care and treat your skin with safe and respectful products. Me and Me is a firm inspired by the new concept of conscious motherhood. In addition, it is committed to complete health, including that of the planet.
A new era of cosmetics.
Maternity: Cosmetics for you safe
It is one of the leading brands in the world specializing in cosmetics focused on the first 1,000 days of motherhood, from conception to the end of lactation. During this period the baby has a special vulnerability to some substances, such as endorcrine disruptors. These can affect their development. They can reach him through you or by contact, but Me and Me does not tolerate that you have to give up some treatments during this stage. So it has worked on very advanced innovative formulas that extract from natural and non-harmful extracts the necessary ingredients to carry out effective and safe treatments.
Me and Me : Take care of everyone
The Me and Me philosophy encompasses three very important concepts: motherhood, skin care and the environment . Starting from these three premises, formulations have been arrived at that take care of the skin of mothers and all their needs, without harming the planet. Sustainable cosmetics that really care for and treat the skin without worry during the early stages.
As a result of hormonal and physical changes, during pregnancy and lactation the mother's skin may observe some variations. It is normal that she wants to improve, avoid or recover the skin. We are talking about stretch marks, flaccidity, cellulite, absolutely normal aspects that appear during pregnancy and also during lactation, with Me and Me you will be able to treat all these aspects without giving up your baby's health.
Cosmetics after childbirth
Possibly postpartum is one of the most complicated stages, both physically and emotionally. That is why we need a cosmetic that fully supports you 100%. Me and Me introduces neurocosmetic formulas that improve and favor the mood of the mother through aromatherapy included in all products. It's all about science, the chosen aromas cause a response in the body that reduces cortisol, the hormone that is responsible for producing stress.